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Collection only

This lot is collection only. No returns or refunds.


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Collection Information

This is for collection only.

Items must be collected within 5 days of the winning bid.

Full clearance must be within 48 hours of the initial visit. The deposit will be withheld if the room is not cleared within this timescale.

Collection is available Monday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm.

The winning bidder must contact the seller to arrange collection.

Payment Details

Payment to be made on collection at the store but before entering the room, by pin-verified card only.

You will also need to pay an additional £100 security deposit on arrival. This will be refunded once the store team has checked the room to confirm that it is clear and that nothing has been left elsewhere.

If you fail to clear the room and forfeit your deposit you will also be blocked from participating in any future auctions.


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